1. Do we collect / do we collect for free?
Yes subject to conditions, less than 2 tonnes can result in no payment depending on the distance, other arrangements can be offered for small collections ie; a nominal at cost charge or we will supply the tel. no. of someone who will collect.
2. Do we take / collect cars?
Only de-polluted cars, we don't undertake roadside collections, tel. no. of a company who will collect / receive undepolluted cars will be supplied. All cars must be scrapped by a licensed de-polluter who can issue a Certificate of Destruction (COD) via the DVLA. Anyone scrapping a vehicle may run into problems without a COD. We do not issue CODs but will pass details on of a company who does.
3. My vehicle won't tip, will you unload me?
Yes at your own risk. We have grabs, magnets, chains and forklifts and can unload most vehicles, however some small vehicles will need to be unloaded by hand, if you need help ask and we will try and oblige, remember though a badly loaded vehicle can incur damage whilst unloading.
4. I want to send my wife with metal out of the garden shed, will you give her assistance?
Of course, some wives are regulars, our staff will see to the manual handling.
5. I want to deliver a small quantity in the family car, will I incur tyre damage?
It would be very unusual, the yard is swept on a regular basis, we like it clean and tidy, most damage is the result of driver error.
6. Will I be paid cash on delivery?
No, you will be paid using instant online the same day subject to ID and bank details having been provided. We also issue cheques where required. It has been illegal to pay cash since 2013.
7. How far will you travel to collect my scrap?
It depends on the quantity, the more there is the further we will travel, give us a call.
8. Do we take vehicles or forklift batteries?
No, batteries are hazardous waste and the regulations surrounding hazardous waste make it unprofitable.
9. What sort of transport can you provide?
Almost anything, see the transport page on this site.
10. Do you deal with members of the public or is it trade only?
Everybody is welcome if they are over the age of 16.
11. Do we accept beer barrels?
No, they all belong to one brewery or another and will be classed as stolen goods, phone KEGWATCH on 0808 100 1945.
12. Can I put steel gas or oxygen bottles in your skip?
Not if they are sealed or complete, if they are in half or have been severely holed with a hydraulic machine then yes, but tell us about them. Sealed cylinders are bombs waiting to explode and we take a very dim view when they are concealed in a load.
13. Can I mix different grades in one load?
Yes, but tell us first and get a price quote and then there are no shocks for anyone
14. I have a small amount of non ferrous metal (copper, brass, aluminium) is it worth bringing to you?
Usually yes, non ferrous is high value metal, however distance or transport cost dictate the distance that you can afford to travel, call for advise.
15. Can I dispose of my old cooker or washing machine?
Yes, but it isnt worth the paperwork to pay for it.
16. Do I need ID?
Yes we need both proof of ID and proof of address in a government accepted form which we have to copy and keep for a set length of time to comply with our licensing requirements.
17. What ID is acceptable?
A photo card driving license is our preferred option as it contains ID and address otherwise we need separate photo ID and a recent utility bill. A passport doesn’t have and address on it and requires further proof of address.
18. Are there any special requirements to visit our site?
Not really but you will be required to strictly adhere to the site rules which are clearly signed. Regular visitors would be advised to invest in a Hi-Viz vest. The site rules are for both the customers and our staff’s safety and anyone blatantly disregarding them will be asked to leave the site and barred from re-entry. The customer has a legal requirement to ensure their own safety parallel to the company’s requirement to ensure their safety. We will do our part and we expect visitors to the site to do theirs-no exceptions!
19. Do I have to prove I own the material I am selling?
No, it would be an impossible task to prove the provenance of everything a customer sells us. The requirement of proof of ID, address and electronic payment is the legal requirement. However if we are in any doubt about material we are offered we will refuse to accept it. All Scrap metal dealers have to keep a police record documenting all aspects of every transaction-and this isn’t new, it’s been happening since 1964!
20. Do you take fridges or freezers?
No. Fridges and freezers along with other related items are hazardous waste. Even when they are degassed there are issues surrounding the insulation. We can't accept them or transport them and anyone attempting to dispose of one in our skips is committing an offence. These rules still apply if the item is totally destroyed we will still refuse to accept it.
21. Do you accept small electrical appliances?
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive came in to force on 01/01/14 the list of affected items is being updated in January 2019. The recycling of small electronic items is governed by this directive and is the reference point for the definitive answer to this question. Generally speaking we don't accept items smaller than a microwave cooker including all power tools.
22. Do you accept lithium batteries?
No. Lithium batteries are a hazard and frequently cause fires in the recycling stream.